A Major Film About the Life and Teachings of 'Abdu'l-Baha

1. Servant of Glory film: A film based upon the life of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, never showing the Holy Figures (The Báb, Bahá'u'lláh). Showing His generosity, His refusal to take the Titanic, His advice to the Jews of Paris to become Christians because Europe would soon "unite" against them, His prophecies of World War I and the Spanish Flu while He was speaking in Montreal, His serving of black servants of wealthy American Bahá'ís before He served them; including "flash backs" or persecutions, the martyrdom of The Báb (never showing His Holiness--but the Bábí who was martyred with Him will be shown--this can be done!), Tahirih, flashbacks of martyrdoms of Bábís and Bahá'ís in Iran in the time the Master was living.

The film should be made "independently"; so that it can be shown at all the varous "indie film" festivals; to be viewed by everybody who is anybody in the film industry. It won't have general release, but be shown in "selected cities". In those cities, large full-page advertisements promoting the film.

The Heavenly Cicummabulators Incident: in 1878, when a house for Bahá'u'lláh was being prepared in Bahji, several Bahá'ís went to the house (the mansion) to make further preparations. They saw a large crowd of "men" circummabulating (walking around) the mansion. They thought these were other Believers. But, as they approached, the crowd disappeared before their eyes. The two Bahá'ís reported the incident, and this should be included in a "flash back". The "men" cicummambulating the mansion were the souls (ethereal bodies) of the Prophets.

The Apparition Incident: A very important incident is the appearance of the Blessed Beauty to the chief imam (Muslim cleric) of Akka. This can be done without showing any form for the Blessed Beauty. The "flashback" should show 'Abdu'l-Baha mourning His Father after His death and burial at Bahji. Then, the chief imam is shown in his room, and the door slowly opens, and there is "light" behind the door, and the chief imam looks over and is in total AWE of what he sees. He then rushes to 'Abdu'l-Bahá and tells him that Bahá'u'lláh openned his door and came into his room--that he was planning to preach a sermon on how the Bahá'ís were infidels, but that he has cancelled such plans. This is based upon an actual incident.

Serving the Servants Incident: it should be shown that when wealthy American Bahá'ís came to visit 'Abdu'l-Bahá, He served them personally, and served their black servants first, saying that God loves those who serves others.

The Titanic Incident: show that when wealthy British Baha'is bought a first-class ticket for Him on the Titanic He refused and told other Bahá'ís not to take that ship.

The Montreal Prophesies Incident: Show Him uttering prophecies regarding a "great war" and a "great pestilence" that will kill millions, while speaking in Montreal. This is an actual incident.

The Salt Lake City Incident: Show a Utah Mormon woman, whose dead mother appears to her and says, "The Master whom you seek is coming to Salt Lake City tomorrow---He will knock on the door of the Temple. You will know him when you see him!" Xorol Oliver Richards then sees a photo of the Master in Salt Lake Tribune, then rushes to see Him. Show the character knocking on the Salt Lake Temple "east door". Xorol finally finds Him boarding the train, and says to Him: "Master, Master! I saw your photo in the Salt Lake Tribune! I knew it was you when I saw you! The Mormons are awaiting the Lord to suddenly come to His Temple. Are you the One?" An aid of the Master tells her, "He knocked on their Temple door, but they they did not let Him in!" 'Abdu'l-Bahá smiles and kisses Xorol on the forehead, then departs.

The Japanese Ambassador Incident: shows 'Abdu'l-Bahá speaking at a Unitarian church in San Francisco, then warning the Japanese ambassador (he was in the city from Japan soon to depart for Washington D.C.) about a "great power" that could destroy the world.

Between these scenes show the Bahá'ís in Iran being persecuted. Show blood! Be gory! Show it as it really happened! Hold nothing back! Shock the audience with the truth!

The character in the film must speak English with an accent (although the Master did not speak English--the character speaking via translators would take away from the power of the character in the film). The character of 'Abdu'l-Bahá should be played by an American or British Bahá'í actor with piercing blue eyes, but who can pass as Iranian, or perhaps a Persian Bahá'í who wears blue contacts. Most of the actors should be American, British, or Persian Bahá'ís who can speak English.

The film may not be a financial success, but that's not the point! The point is, the film can be used as the main prospecting tool for the Friends everywhere once it is dubbed into other languages and distributed. About a year after the film is released, it can be leased to HBO, Showtime, History, and many other cable and local TV providers in this country and around the world. It should be given to TV stations in poorer countries. The film can be released on DVD, and the DVDs used as the main prospecting tool of the Friends everywhere.

The film will probably be seen by no more than 300,000 people in the U.S. (including the Friends) in theatres, but the film will be shown, and re-shown, for many years to come, via various cable TV outlets: HBO, Showtime, History, Biography, etc. People in the tens of millions at least will see the film within a 5 year period.

In cities where the film is released, there should be advertising campaigns not only for the film, but for the Faith itself.

The cost of the film would be about 30 million total: 20 million for production and 10 million for advertising and distribution. The film should be shown at all the "indie film" festivals. Just about all actors and film business VIPs will see or at least know about the film. A special "Servant of Glory Film Fund" should be established to gather funds for the film; which should be done via a special "non-profit" film organization founded by Bahá'í film-makers who shall choose one from among themselves to direct the film.

The film will generate a LOT of interest in the Faith over 5 years after it is released (to cinemas then to TV outlets). The film will continue to be shown, periodically, on various TV networks and stations for many years to come.


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